The Ashton Small Cigars brand offers a line of high-quality, handcrafted cigars in small sizes that are perfect for those who want a shorter smoking experience without sacrificing quality or flavor. The cigars are produced by the renowned Fuente family in the Dominican Republic, using a blend of premium tobaccos that have been carefully selected and aged.
The Ashton Small Cigars line offers a variety of sizes and shapes, including the Cigarillo, the Esquire, and the Senorita, among others. These small cigars are made with the same attention to detail and commitment to quality as the larger Ashton cigars, ensuring a consistent smoking experience every time.
Despite their smaller size, the Ashton Small Cigars are known for their full flavor and complexity, with notes of cedar, leather, and spice. The cigars use a Dominican binder and filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, and are wrapped in either Connecticut shade or Ecuadorian Habano wrappers.
Overall, the Ashton Small Cigars brand offers a premium smoking experience in a smaller, more convenient size. These cigars are a great option for those who want to enjoy the high-quality taste and aroma of Ashton cigars in a shorter smoking time, making them ideal for busy cigar enthusiasts or those who simply prefer a smaller smoke.
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