Avanti Cigar Company is a company with over a century of experience producing high-quality dry-cured and fire-cured cigars. The company prides itself on using Kentucky tobacco in its products. The story of Avanti Cigar Company began in 1901 when Dominic Anthony and Frank Suraci left their small Italian village in Calabria to start a new life in New York City and started making Italian style cigars. A tradition born in Italy and made in America!
In 1970 the signature Avanti Cigar, flavored with an anisette tip, was introduced. It went on to become the company’s premier brand and one of their best rated cigars. This style of cigar was so successful that the Parodi Cigar Group reorganized as the Avanti Cigar Company.
Today, Avanti Cigar Company remains the only producer of dry cured cigars in the United States.
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