The Camacho Corojo is a premium handmade cigar produced by Camacho Cigars, a subsidiary of Davidoff. It is known for its bold flavor and strength, as well as its use of authentic Corojo tobacco.
The Camacho Corojo features a Corojo wrapper from Honduras, which is known for its robust flavor and spicy notes. The binder and filler are also made from Honduran Corojo tobacco, which has been aged for several years to develop its complex flavors.
The construction of the Camacho Corojo is impeccable, with a firm and smooth texture that is satisfying to the touch. The draw is easy and even, producing a thick and satisfying smoke with each puff.
The Camacho Corojo is a full-bodied cigar that delivers a bold and complex flavor profile. It features notes of spice, pepper, leather, and earth, with a long and satisfying finish. It is available in several sizes, including Robusto (5 x 50), Toro (6 x 50), and Churchill (7 x 48).
Overall, the Camacho Corojo is a bold and flavorful cigar that is perfect for experienced smokers who enjoy a full-bodied smoke with a rich and satisfying flavor profile. Its use of authentic Corojo tobacco throughout the cigar sets it apart from other cigars on the market and makes it a must-try for Corojo lovers.