The CAO Flavours is a line of premium handmade cigars produced by CAO Cigars, a subsidiary of General Cigar Company. The cigars are flavored with natural extracts, giving them a unique and delicious taste.
The CAO Flavours come in a wide range of flavors, including Cherrybomb, Moontrance, Bella Vanilla, Eileen's Dream, and more. Each cigar is made with a blend of high-quality tobaccos from different regions, wrapped in a Connecticut Broadleaf binder and finished with a Cameroon wrapper.
The CAO Flavours are considered mild to medium-bodied cigars, suitable for both novice and experienced smokers who enjoy a flavored smoke. The cigars come in several sizes, including Cigarillo, Petit Corona, Robusto, and Toro.
The CAO Flavours have received positive reviews from cigar enthusiasts, with many praising their unique and enjoyable flavors. The cigars are made with high-quality tobaccos and natural extracts, ensuring a smooth and well-balanced taste.
Overall, the CAO Flavours is a high-quality line of flavored cigars that offers a wide range of unique and delicious flavors. It is an excellent choice for those who enjoy a flavored smoke with high-quality tobacco and natural extracts.
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