The CAO Italia is a line of premium handmade cigars produced by CAO Cigars, a subsidiary of General Cigar Company. The cigar features a unique blend of tobaccos, including Italian-grown Habano seed tobacco in the wrapper.
The CAO Italia is made with a blend of Nicaraguan and Peruvian long-fillers, wrapped in a dark, oily Habano-seed wrapper grown in Italy. This combination of tobaccos creates a full-bodied flavor profile with notes of leather, spice, and coffee.
The cigar comes in several sizes and each cigar is handcrafted with precision and care, ensuring a consistent draw and burn.
The CAO Italia has received positive reviews from cigar enthusiasts, with many praising its unique flavor profile and excellent construction. It is considered a medium to full-bodied cigar, suitable for experienced smokers who enjoy a stronger smoke.
Overall, the CAO Italia is a high-quality cigar with a unique and flavorful taste. It is an excellent choice for those who enjoy a full-bodied smoke with a touch of Italian flair.
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