Cuban Delights are hand made with Dominican Olor filler, Cuban seed Dominican binder, and a Sumatran wrapper, these cigars are mild to medium bodied and perfect for the golf course. A blend of long and medium filler and packaged in boxes of 50 they have a surprisingly great premium taste, for such an inexpensive cigar. Cuban Delights pound for pound are one of the best value brand cigars on the market today and are perfect for the sensible aficionado who likes to get a great smoke at a great price.
Reviews for Cuban Delights Robusto - Box of 50 Cigars from real buyers
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Very happy with Cuban Delights. Price and product are outstanding!
Husband was not pleased with this box. He said they burned extremely fast. He will switch to the Churchill for his next box.
Most helpful
Cuban Delights are a very good cigar. I've smoked many of them along with many other brands, some very famous and outrageously expensive. Dollar for dollar, they are hard to beat.
Very happy with Cuban Delights. Price and product are outstanding!