Don Lino Africa cigars are a tribute to Nestor Miranda's love of Africa, its culture and its scenery. This legendary brand has been brought back in its original form as part of Miami Cigar & Company's 30th Anniversary celebration, with production being handled by Tabacalera AJ Fernandez. These cigars feature a unique blend of tobaccos sourced from Cameroon, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua, with an Ecuadorian Habano 2000 wrapper.
The Cameroon binder of the Don Lino Africa cigars imparts a distinct earthy and spicy flavor, while the Dominican Piloto and Nicaraguan Ometepe, Jalapa, and Esteli fillers offer a perfect balance of richness and creaminess. The Ecuadorian Habano 2000 wrapper lends a hint of sweetness and a creamy finish to the smoke. Expertly handcrafted at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua S.A. in Esteli, these cigars are box-pressed, smooth, and provide a fantastic draw.
The medium to full-bodied smoke of the Don Lino Africa is infused with notes of toast, pepper, caramel, chocolate, and fruit. Every puff transports you to the African savanna and captures the essence of the continent's captivating mystery and depth. AJ Fernandez has truly reimagined this cigar to encapsulate the spirit of Africa that Nestor Miranda fell in love with, making it an experience you won't want to miss. Order a box today and savor the taste of the African savanna with every puff of a Don Lino Africa cigar.
Hand Made in Nicaragua - Medium to Full BodiedFiller: Dominican, Nicaraguan - Binder: African Cameroon - Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano 2000
Rated 87 to 92 by Cigar Aficionado
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