Ever since its release, My Father cigars have received the highest praise from cigar lovers. My Father Cigars are handmade by Cuban-born tobacco grandmaster Jose "Pepin" Garcia and his son Jaime. These perfect, full bodied cigars offer a great, rich flavor and incomparable aroma with an excellent construction. These masterpieces are assembled in Pepin's My Father Factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, using a blend of Nicaraguan longfiller and binder tobaccos and a hybrid Ecuadorian Habano Rosado/Criollo wrapper. The My Father Cigars were made by Jaime as a tribute to his father Pepin, and they are indeed, a fitting tribute for the master in the cigar business.
Hand Made in Nicaragua - Full Bodied
Binder: Nicaragua - Filler: Nicaragua - Wrapper: Hybrid Ecuadorian Habano Rosado/Criollo
Rated 89 to 94 by Cigar Aficionado
Hand Made in Nicaragua - Full Bodied
Binder: Nicaragua - Filler: Nicaragua - Wrapper: Hybrid Ecuadorian Habano Rosado/Criollo
Rated 89 to 94 by Cigar Aficionado
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