Partagas Miniaturas are compact cigars that delight the palate with a delightful combination of coffee and woody flavors. These cigarillos offer a mild smoking experience accompanied by a luxurious aroma, making them perfect for a quick cigar break. The blend consists of meticulously crafted Mexican and Piloto Cubano tobacco fillers, which contribute to the unique taste and aroma of these cigars. Additionally, the African Cameroon leaves used to wrap the tobacco provide a distinctive spiciness to the blend. The Partagas Miniaturas ensure an excellent draw and a remarkably smooth flavor.
Measuring a mere 3 3/4 inches in length with a ring gauge of 24, each Partagas Miniature is favored by enthusiasts for both the quality of smoke and the appealing packaging. They are conveniently packaged in 10 tins, each containing 8 cigars, and are available at an affordable price, offering excellent value for the discerning cigar connoisseur.
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