Rocky Patel The Edge Lite Cigars - As low as $345.89

The Edge Lite by Rocky Patel is a mellow, creamy cigar that delivers rich flavor not usually expected from a Connecticut wrapped cigar. Shade grown beneath the natural cloud cover of Ecuador, this cigar features a more complex and consistent smoke than the usual milder cigars on the market. The Edge Connecticut is impeccably constructed, leading to a perfect burn, smooth draw with loads of smoke, and a long finish.
Hand Made in Honduras - Mellow to Medium Bodied
Filler: Nicaragua and Honduras- Binder: Nicaragua - Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Rated up to 91 by Cigar Aficionado
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$487.50 $399.89
You save: $87.61
50 cigar ($8.00 per cigar)
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$410.00 $345.89
You save: $64.11
50 cigar ($6.92 per cigar)
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$455.00 $385.89
You save: $69.11
50 cigar ($7.72 per cigar)
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$467.50 $396.89
You save: $70.61
50 cigar ($7.94 per cigar)

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