The Griffin's Cigars - As low as $294.99

The heart of a Griffin's Cigar, the filler, maintains a blend consisting of three carefully selected tobaccos, each from different crops. Each cigar is carefully hand-rolled by craftsmen with many years of experience. A medium bodied cigar with solid tobacco tastes. Smooth and spicy.
Hand Made in Dominican Republic - Medium Bodied
Filler: Dominican Republic Binder: Dominican Republic Wrapper: Connecticut Shade/Ecuador
Rated up to 88 by Cigar Aficionado
In stock
$315.00 $294.99
You save: $20.01
25 cigar ($11.80 per cigar)
In stock
$432.50 $399.99
You save: $32.51
25 cigar ($16.00 per cigar)
In stock
$345.00 $319.99
You save: $25.01
25 cigar ($12.80 per cigar)
In stock
$385.00 $359.99
You save: $25.01
10 cigar ($36.00 per cigar)

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