The Cuban Delights brand is one of the most popular brands made by Tabacalera Victor Sinclair and is known for its affordability and excellent flavor.
The cigars are made with a blend of premium Dominican long-filler tobaccos and a smooth Connecticut Shade-grown wrapper. The cigars are available in a range of sizes and shapes, including Robusto, Churchill and Corona.
Cuban Delights cigars are mild to medium-bodied, with flavors of cedar, nuts, cream, and a hint of sweetness. They offer a smooth and creamy finish that is very satisfying.
Cuban Delights also produces a line of flavored cigars that are known for their rich and unique flavors. These cigars are made with the same high-quality Dominican long-filler tobaccos and Connecticut Shade-grown wrapper as the regular Cuban Delights line, but are infused with different flavorings to create a distinct smoking experience.
The Cuban Delights flavored cigars are available in a variety of flavors, including vanilla, cherry, amaretto, and rum. Each flavor has its own unique taste and aroma, and the infusion process is carefully controlled to ensure a consistent and well-balanced flavor throughout the cigar.
Overall, the Cuban Delights brand is a great option for those who are looking for an affordable and flavorful cigar that is well-made and consistent. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cigar smoker, the Cuban Delights cigars are definitely worth trying.