Cuban Delights Minis is a brand of small cigars that are known for their affordable price point and smooth, mellow flavor. The brand is produced by Tabacalera Victor Sinclair, which is a premium cigar company based in the Dominican Republic.
Cuban Delights Minis cigars are made using a blend of aged Dominican long-fillers and a Dominican binder, and are available in a variety of natural and flavored wrappers, including Amaretto, Vanilla, Cherry, and Honey, among others.
The cigars are designed to provide a quick smoking experience, with a short smoking time of about 10-15 minutes. They are also a popular choice for those who are looking for a more affordable option for everyday smoking.
Overall, Cuban Delights Minis is a brand that is popular among smokers who are looking for a quick and affordable smoking experience. The brand's commitment to quality and consistency, as well as its variety of flavors and wrappers, make it a favorite among those who are looking for a more unique and flavorful smoking experience in a small and convenient package.