The Cusano 18 Double Connecticut is a premium cigar brand created by Michael Cusano, a well-known figure in the cigar industry. The brand is known for its high-quality cigars that feature a unique pairing of tobacco leaves that have been aged for 18 years.
The Cusano 18 Double Connecticut cigars are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic using a blend of aged Dominican and Nicaraguan long-fillers, a Dominican binder, and a creamy, smooth Connecticut Shade-grown wrapper. The cigars are then paired with a special Dominican Piloto leaf that has been aged for 18 years, which gives the cigar its distinctive flavor profile.
The result is a mild to medium-bodied smoke with a creamy, smooth flavor that includes notes of cedar, nuts, and vanilla. The cigar is known for its smooth draw, even burn, and long finish, making it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts who appreciate a well-made, flavorful smoke that is not too strong.
The Cusano 18 Double Connecticut cigars are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, including Robusto, Toro, and Churchill, among others. The brand also offers several limited edition and special edition cigars, including the Cusano 18 Paired Maduro, which pairs the aged Piloto leaf with a dark, oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper for a full-bodied smoking experience.
Overall, the Cusano 18 Double Connecticut is a well-regarded premium cigar brand that is popular among enthusiasts who appreciate a mild to medium-bodied smoke with a lot of flavor and complexity. The unique pairing of aged tobacco leaves gives the cigar a distinctive flavor that sets it apart from other cigars on the market.