Don Tomas Sun Grown is a premium cigar brand that is part of the General Cigar Company, one of the world's leading producers of premium cigars. The Don Tomas Sun Grown brand was introduced in 1999 and has since become one of the most popular offerings in the Don Tomas line.
As the name suggests, Don Tomas Sun Grown cigars are made using sun-grown tobacco, which is known for its rich and complex flavor profile. The tobacco used in these cigars is grown in the Jalapa Valley region of Nicaragua, which is known for producing some of the finest tobacco in the world.
Don Tomas Sun Grown cigars are handmade by expert cigar rollers using only the finest quality tobacco leaves. The cigars are available in a range of sizes and shapes, including Churchill, Robusto, Toro, and Torpedo.
One of the distinguishing features of Don Tomas Sun Grown cigars is their rich and full-bodied flavor profile. The cigars have a spicy and complex taste with notes of coffee, leather, and cedar. They are also known for their smooth and creamy smoke, which is highly enjoyable for cigar enthusiasts.
Overall, Don Tomas Sun Grown is a high-quality cigar brand that offers a great smoking experience for those who appreciate premium cigars. Whether you are a seasoned cigar smoker or new to the hobby, Don Tomas Sun Grown cigars are definitely worth trying.
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