The Oliva Serie O is a popular cigar brand known for its rich, flavorful tobacco and high-quality craftsmanship. The brand is produced by the Oliva Cigar Company, a family-owned business based in Nicaragua that has been making cigars since the 1800s.
The Serie O is a medium-bodied cigar made from a blend of Nicaraguan Habano long-fillers, a Habano binder, and a Habano Sun Grown wrapper. This combination produces a complex flavor profile with notes of earth, leather, cedar, and pepper. The cigar is also known for its smooth draw and even burn.
The Oliva Serie O comes in a variety of sizes, including Churchill, Robusto, Toro, and Double Toro, among others. The packaging is simple but elegant, with a classic design that reflects the brand's traditional roots.
Overall, the Oliva Serie O is a well-regarded cigar brand that has earned a reputation for its consistent quality and excellent taste. It's a great choice for both novice and experienced cigar smokers who appreciate a flavorful, medium-bodied smoke.