Payment and Shipping at The Cigar Hut
Shipping Methods and Timetables
When you are ready to check out, you can choose from any of the available shipping methods for the items you are buying. Whether they be from FedEx, UPS or USPS will depend on the items purchased. Certain products are limited to shipping by the US Postal Service.
Our products are shipped by either FedEx, UPS or USPS from our various US warehouses, so shipping times may vary slightly. Orders received before 1 pm Eastern will usually ship out the same day, later than 1 pm Eastern and they will usually ship out the next business day. While we do our best to ship according to the above schedules, sometimes we are so busy we can not get all orders processed in one day so the above should be taken as a guideline only.
In most cases Priority Mail will arrive in 2 to 4 days, UPS Ground shipping will arrive in 3 to 7 days and UPS Air shipping will arrive in 2 to 4 days. FedEx, UPS and the US Postal Service do not count holidays, weekends or the day of pick up, as a shipping day. It is counted the next business day after the pick-up.
We send the tracking number for your order to the Email address in the "Bill To" section of our shopping cart once it has shipped so you will know when to expect your order. These usually go out in the evening or the following morning after your order has shipped. Be sure to print your receipt for your records as we do not always include a copy of your bill with the package.
As part of our age verification process, all first time customers are required to provide an adult signature before their order will be delivered by the applicable delivery service.
ALL orders valued at $200.00 or more will be required to provide a signature at time of delivery. If no one is available to sign for your package, we suggest shipping to your office or place of business or perhaps a neighbor.
Note: UPS does not deliver to P.O. Box, or Military Addresses (APO, FPO etc.). Orders to these addresses will be shipped via the US Postal Service.
UPS and USPS Shipping Rates: Shipping fees are based on the weight of the package, where it is shipping from and where it is shipping to. Our website connects directly to UPS and USPS during the checkout process to give you the most up to date and accurate rates possible.
Shipping Restrictions
Certain US states have enacted restrictions on the types of products that that be shipped to residents. Click here for full details.
International Shipping
The Cigar Hut no longer ships internationally. All products are available for shipment to addresses in the USA and its territories only.
Payment Methods
The Cigar Hut offers you several payment options. You can choose any of the following methods during the checkout process.
Secure Online Credit Card Transaction
The Cigar Hut accepts American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club and Discover/Novus payments through our online credit card processor Converge. Orders using this method will be shipped the same or next business day.