Perdomo Lot 23 Maduro

Perdomo Lot 23 Maduro Brand

The Perdomo Lot 23 Maduro Brand is a line of premium cigars produced by Perdomo Cigars, a family-owned cigar company based in Nicaragua. The Lot 23 Maduro line was introduced in 2007 as a follow-up to the original Lot 23 line, which was named after the 23-acre plot of land where the tobacco is grown.

The Lot 23 Maduro line features a dark, oily wrapper made from aged Nicaraguan tobaccos that have been carefully fermented to produce a rich, complex flavor profile. The binder and filler are also made from Nicaraguan tobaccos, which have been aged for a minimum of four years to ensure a consistent and smooth smoking experience.

The Lot 23 Maduro line is available in a variety of sizes, including robusto, toro, and Churchill, and is known for its full-bodied flavor profile with notes of chocolate, espresso, and spice. The cigars are hand-rolled by skilled artisans and are known for their exceptional construction and burn.

One unique aspect of the Perdomo Lot 23 Maduro Brand is the use of tobacco grown exclusively on the Lot 23 farm in Nicaragua. This allows for a greater degree of control over the quality and consistency of the tobacco, resulting in a more refined and nuanced flavor profile.

Overall, the Perdomo Lot 23 Maduro Brand is a premium cigar line that is highly regarded by cigar enthusiasts for its full-bodied flavor, exceptional construction, and unique use of tobacco grown on a single farm. It is a great choice for those who enjoy a bold and complex smoke.

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$192.00 $173.95
You save: $18.05
24 cigar ($7.25 per cigar)