Promotions available at The Cigar Hut
Buy a 2-fer, 3-fer or 4-fer of our popular Cigar Hut Alternatives for extra savings!
Cigar Hut Alternatives are top quality cigars that are hand made in the Dominican Republic using the same high quality tobacco blends as the famous originals.
Pick any cigar and look in the "Package Qty" section to see the available 2-fer, 3-fer or 4-fer discounts.
Buy a 2-fer, 3-fer or 4-fer of our popular Cigar Hut Bundles for extra savings!
Our Premium Connecticut and Sumatran Cigar Bundles are handmade, and medium-bodied.
Pick any cigar and look in the "Package Qty" section to see the available 2-fer, 3-fer or 4-fer discounts.
Quantity Discounts Available!
Save $5.00 off each additional Red Tagged Item you purchase