Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real is a premium handmade cigar brand produced by Altadis USA, the company that owns the Romeo y Julieta brand. These cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic and are known for their smooth, creamy flavor and elegant appearance.
The Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real cigars are made using a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan long-fillers, which are then wrapped in a Connecticut shade-grown Ecuadorian wrapper. The result is a mild to medium-bodied smoke that is smooth and well-balanced, with notes of cedar, cream, and a hint of spice.
One unique feature of the Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real cigars is the use of a slightly oily and rich Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. This wrapper gives the cigar a rich appearance and adds to its smooth and creamy flavor profile. The cigars are also known for their consistent quality and excellent construction.
Overall, Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real cigars are an excellent choice for those who enjoy a smooth and creamy smoke with a mild to medium body. They are a must-try for fans of the Romeo y Julieta brand and anyone looking for a high-quality, elegant cigar that is perfect for any occasion.