San Cristobal is a brand of premium handmade cigars produced by the famous cigar company, Ashton. The brand was created in 2007 in partnership with the legendary cigar blender, Don Pepin Garcia.
San Cristobal cigars are handmade in Nicaragua using high-quality Nicaraguan tobaccos. The wrapper is a beautiful, oily Ecuadorian Sumatra leaf that gives the cigar a rich, full-bodied flavor. The binder and filler tobaccos are also Nicaraguan and have been carefully aged to ensure a smooth, consistent smoking experience.
San Cristobal cigars are known for their rich, complex flavors and perfect construction. They are available in a variety of sizes and wrapper options, including Connecticut, Habano, and Maduro. Each cigar is beautifully packaged in a unique box that reflects the brand's luxurious and sophisticated image.
Overall, the San Cristobal brand has gained a reputation among cigar enthusiasts for producing some of the finest cigars available today. They are a must-try for cigar lovers who are looking for a premium smoking experience with a rich, complex flavor profile.
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